Thursday, July 12, 2007

i want to start up a news site which is to aggregate the news from famous sources and put the high relevant news together in this way people can just view the site and get all the news in one place. but a few friends told they feel it is less attractive, but i am keen on the idea, so what do you think of that?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Really News Aggregator

Really News Aggregator, what about this concept? there are many news in the world, what counts, a single news may be reported by a large amount of news press, news sites and now , more popular in posted blogs . But how can we tell which one is more accurate and more reliable? thus this concept forms:
we can just collect the news reported into one thread for the identical affair happened in the world.

How to tell one from each other, say there might be several auto incidents in one small city in one day. we can use the tag method to differentiate those such as the location, name of the person, time. Yes the time may have already tell most things apart from the target one.

Then we can give ranks by the people for each news item. there is some value in it and it can evolve into an revaluation system for news, it will definitely add value to people because they surely want to know the most accurate and on time news

Not sure if this will have an breach on the legal consideration,for if we can directly copy the news from those most visited news sites.

as a start ,can focus on those IT news.

key factors of web20 sites

just some hints:
most successful sites nowadays are amazing and entertaining
refresh people's brains on the things of ordinary. like youtube, i do not think there are much abnormal videos there but the way it presents is totally new and inspiring people to follow the trends that is, you view more and you want to post your own.
to uncover and meet the potential needs lay in our bodies or spirits even unaware by ourselves, or in other words, to invent a new desire.

do what

I have always been thinking of to form a web site ,it should be interactive and provide values to people but did not come out one result yet. I think the site should meet those criteria:

1.interesting , not only to me but also to most web surfers which they will take delight in from it;
2.real value ,that the site will really help them, not just to know something from the site,but also helpful to make things better in their real lives. I do not like the idea of virtual reality or online games;
3.interactive, people can construct the site collaboratively, with less control. that site of the people, by the people and for the people.;something like the concept of wiki, but as I can see, those current available wiki sites are quite "static",the appearance is more like the output,and can not find the delight during the editing, though it has a large population around the world, driven by pure ,ideal spirits;
4.Reliable profit, it might be too naive to think of this at this very early stage ,but I keep wondering how could there are so many sites launched but few can tell a clear pattern to earn money. Yet there are so many VC are giving the money into this industry. The future itself can not make any reality at now